YouTube Vs. Blogging: Which option is best for you?

There are two ways to earn money from YouTube and Blogging on the Internet and to deliver your message to people around the world. Both have their own advantages. Both fields are quite broad, i.e. already there are millions of people worldwide involved in both fields. The answer to this question will be different for each person. For anyone, the YouTube Best option will be for anyone. But how do you make sure that which option will be best for you? For this, you have to read this article until the end. In this article, I will compare both YouTube and Blogging. In Comparison, we will first see similarities between both YouTube and blogging, and then Tabular difference later. Keeping these things in mind, you will be able to decide for yourself what is best for you. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019
Best Tips for How to Get Traffic From Images

How to Get Traffic From Images When you see an image, you can easily tell if it is running very fast. Google's search spiders are not so smart still. So, now you have to explain things for them. Using words. Google is comfortable with words. And the more clearly you make it, the better it is. Before starting about the subject, you should be familiar with the traffic that uses images. Well, visual content makes your article strong. If you believe in an article without any photos, then anyone can feel dull and boring in reading it. Therefore, images play an important role in an article. How to Get Traffic From Google Images About 10% of main traffic is generated by It shows how large the amount of traffic has been coming from using Google Image. Google Image is viewed more than 1 billion times in a day. Therefore, with the above concern, it is certain that we are dealing with a large number of traffic. Even ordinary search gives resu...

Blogging tips and tricks for beginners For every blogger out there we know how hard it is to maintain our blogs and Lives at the same time. Although blogging might be fun and exciting some of us are still facing tough times when it comes to our blogs. Building a popular blog is no joke and when you’re thinking of making your blog into a business then you have treat it like a business they’re moments where it might seem impossible to make your blog popular but that’s what people like Problogger, Michael Dunlop and they faced the same things that you’re currently or have faced as well. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 TRAFFIC The top issue for not most but all beginner bloggers is to gain a satisfactory amount of traffic. I can’t lie to you guys now and say that I’ve never suffered with traffic because I have plenty of times. There have been some days that I’ve only seen 7-10 people a day on my site because that’s how blogging goes. Some sites actually do well with...
What is Backlink and How to Build Quality Backlink? | Types of Backlinks?
Hi everybody, you have backlinks to backlinks that have been added to backlinks or you can create backlinks for your site, you can produce your own site or blog for nothing. You need to backlinks the nature of the backlines to ensure you read it back to your backlink . Backlinks are a backlink to any site or site that has connections to backlinks. On the off chance that you don't have a site, you don't have a traffic issue, however you view the site, and you need to tap on the connection to the page of the prominent site, or snap on the connection to the site, or the site of the proprietor of your site. If you have a connection that has been connected to you, you can get in touch with us for a visit to the site, or you might probably visit the site, or if you have a site that has a ton of traffic backlinks. On the off chance that you have a connection to your site, you can either go to Google or run a site or you have a site. Types Of BackLink? Li...
5 Tips to Increase Website Domain Authority Fast

5 Tips to Increase Website Domain Fast Fast : Hi guys. It is again Your Anup. Are you a blogger? Do you have a website? Do you know how to increase Website Domain Authority Fast ? If there is no appropriate article here, where I have mentioned the top 6 factors, which can definitely help you increase or increase your site's DA and PA. So, all you need to do is read this article to be begining to the end. Tips to Increase Website Domain Authority Fast Domain Authority (DA) is a number (metric) that indicates the authority of your website. The higher your domain authority, the higher the search engine result pages (SERPS), the higher your chances of getting more organic traffic. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 Domain authority metrics were developed by Moz, but other companies have created similar metrics that rank the domain on a number of factors, and give them ratings ranging from 0 to 100.
How to become a successful blogger? Must see.

How to become a success blogger? Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO means that you create your blog posts so that your posts can get a good rank in search engines like Google and Bing, so they can come top in search results. You can learn a lot about SEO by reading on Internet, it is not a rocket science and it can be learned harder. Well if you do not have the time, you can also hire SEO experts. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 Become Successful Blogger Language Decision: The decision in which language you write is very important. Where in Hindi you will face less competition, second and less money will be available than English. According to an estimate 10,000 Indians visits = 500 USA visits If you write in English then you will see thousands of sites already present on your subject and you will have to face tough competition.
What is domain name? - Explained

If you are going to start a new blog or a website, then you must heard about Domain name and hosting , and there must be some questions in your mind like: What is domain name? or What is domain name service (DNS)? What is web hosting? To start a new website or a blog you have to purchase a domain name and a web hosting. So in this article, we are going to discuss what is domain name and how to choose a perfect domain name for your new website or blog, we'll also discuss about website-hosting and will help you to select best hosting for your new blog. So let's get started. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 "Domain name is a name of a website" What is Domain Name ? A domain name is simply a name for your website, or you can call it your website name, like: . it helps user to remember the address of a site and access it with ease. It was very difficult to remember the IP ...
Affiliate Marketing Blogger Themes

Best Affiliate Themes For Blogger: Hello visitors this is Author Of this Site. today In this Article I Am Going To Provide the Some useful Instructions On Blogger Affiliate Marketing Themes , Affiliate Marketing Blogger Themes For Free . If You Are a Blogger and you Want To earn a Lot Of Income From Your Website And Blogging Career. So you need To Must Go For Start your Own Affiliate Site. To Make Money Online From Your Affiliate Marketing Careers In 2019. Starting Affiliate With Basic Issues Of New Bloggers You And All Of the New Blogger Are Know this thing. In Present Time there is a Huge Competition Of Affiliate Blogging. So, On the Other hand, it Is Not an Impossible thing For Earning The Success. Many Ways And Methods Are Available To Start Your Successful Online earning Journey.
Best websites to learn to code for free in 2019

When I was learning to programme in my college, I don't know anything about its advantage. When time goes on, I came to know it's value on today technology. Then I start learning fundamentals from various sources. In this learning process, I found various programming places to learn to code and engage with developers there. After spending several days in such coding communities, I got talented in developing own software. That turned out my life from beginner to developer. To enhance such programming language, I used to expand my coding hotspots with this article. Here is the list of best places to learn to code. And I experienced much from these platforms. Learn to Code From These Community Platforms : 1.Github Github , an only platform for developers who survive in the coding arena. Github supports a free workspace for users with ultimate features and developer tools. More than 27 millions of developers are connecting with Github community today. Jus...
Top 10 Blogging Mistakes Every Blogger Do
Quite often, it is simple to make mistakes while blogging. Everybody has been learning lessons from mistakes. As we spend more in online that makes you learn new things. It is somehow difficult to find and solve your blogging mistake.I found the major errors that blogger can do every time.So I'm going to show you a nice way that saves all your money and time.I can make you learn mistakes what others can do most. I can give you instructions on explaining the doubts that bloggers are suffering. They can move you in the best way. As a blogger, I have been experiencing a lot of blogging topics from the beginning of the day. Bloggers should not be in trouble like others.This is the reason I'm writing this compilation. You will find 10 types of blogging errors. Top 10 Blogging Mistakes : #1 Presenting A Boring Content : When people come to your blog, they can't read all the content unless it is interesting.They need an exact line.Try to provide content with...
How To Use Google Keyword Planner Tool For Keyword Research

Google does not know or hate you! If you write and do not rank on the first page of the search engine, it means that you make some mistakes.Break for 10 seconds and ask yourself: How does the search engine rank a web page? This is not a line or code that automatically determines whether a page should be on the first page of search engines. Add caption Well, the search engine looks for signals for a page rank, and it's easy for you and our article to tick and it's easy to search engines for all the signals and to enjoy all traffic. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 To get that dot, let's start from here and let's start: Keyword research is one thing that every blogger has to learn from the first day. Possibly, every blogging or SEO blog you read up to now, I'm sure that the Google Keyword Planner (formerly the keyword tool) and "Keyword Research" is not a new word for you. But if not, you have no blog seo fundamentally missing. ...
7 Tips How to Write an SEO Friendly Article

Seo friendly article I f you are building a website for your business, then this is the most important and first thing that the content of the website is Search Engine Optimized (SEO). SEO friendly article is important because it affects the ranking of your website or placement on search engines. If your website appears on the main page, you will get more shares, clicks, likes and engagement. If someone does not find your page, even the best written articles are worth or nonsense. But writing SEO's increased content is not easy. To write a strong SEO content is very hard and very thought. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 These tips and tools will help you write strong content that is not only interesting and relevant to your website, but it also produces attention and
How To Increase Adsense CPC

How To Increase Adsense CPC : In This Article i am Going o Share With You My Knowledge About the How To Increase CPC Admobe - Also Discuss with you About the Admob High CPC Trick .If You Want To Know how to do it so stay with me and Read this article till end,so lets we go to our main content topic. How To Increase Adsense CPC How To Increase The Google Ad-sense Account CPC (Cost Per Click) Increasing The revenue From Google Ad-sense is a main and Very major Problem Of thousands of Bloggers.And mostly Blogger are Search On the Google How To Increase The Cost Per Click Revenue Of Ad-sense, Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 So in this Article i am Share with you my Experience Of Ad-sense earning and Today in this Content i m Give you Some Best Tips To Increase CPC and Discuss also On this Topic ( Best Ways To Increase Google Adsense CPC ).
How to Make a Website in 2019 – Step by Step Guide (Free)
Are you looking to make a website? Starting a website can be a terrifying thought specially when you’re not techy. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Having helped over 130,000+ people make a website with WordPress, we have decided to create the most comprehensive step by step guide on how to a make a website without learning how to code. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 Add caption How to make a website step by step This guide is useful for users of all ages and skill levels. However, if you need help, then you can contact our expert team to help you setup your website for free. Blogging Tips on Best Web Hosting If you want to do it by yourself, then please continue to follow our step by step guide on how to make a website.
Youtube seo tools - Top 9 Amazing youtube seo tools

Youtube is growing at a tremendous speed. There are a lot of people coming on youtube to try their luck, but most of them have to go without any penny. Why? Because they didn't know what is seo? They didn't know about youtube seo tools which can help them in ranking fast on youtube. Do you know 18000 minutes videos uploaded on youtube in every single minute and 5 billions videos watched on youtube every day? That's Why it is hard to rank on youtube without Seo. Seo stands for Search Engine Optimization. So, In today's Post I'm Going to write 9 Youtube Seo tools to rank on youtube. Let's Get Started : Vidiq : if we talk about you youtube seo tools it will be great to discuss about vidiq. It is Free and Premium tool. Which gives us insights about our competitors and show us seo techniques they are using. Why vidiq is So important? It is a nice youtube seo tool to rank over the youtube. It is a video analytics and ...
Google Blogger or WordPress, Which One You Should Use?

Before starting the blogging career, learn more about the difference and facilities between Blogger and WordPress. G oogle Blogger and Wordpress are the most popular platform in the blogging world. There are some different types of advantages and disadvantages of these platforms.In fact, every thing has good and bad two sides. Similarly, there are a few different differences between "Google Blogger and WordPress".But the problem is that when we start blogging, we can not understand which one is suitable for me.Even after taking advice from many persons, we can not reach the right decision. Tips on Best Web Hosting 2019 Actually, you have to decide which one is suitable for you.Because this topic will depend entirely on your blogging type